Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 1

For a variety of reasons this first day presented potential landmines. It's the sixth anniversary of the death of my much-loved father, always a sad day. When I woke up this morning I made the decision to celebrate the fact that I was blessed to have a really incredible dad, who loved me unconditionally each and every day for 52 years.
So I started the program with breakfast and went on about my day, which included a lunch meeting of the steering committee of the Kootenai Alliance for Children and Families ... at my favorite Japanese restaurant, Takara. I considered not attending since I knew it would be hard to drink my shake while others ate foods I loved. But I figured I have to learn how to navigate these breakfast and lunch meetings that are such a big part of my regular day so might as well take the leap on Day 1.
I stayed on track and have not been hungry at all, although early evening I was craving something salty. I'm feeling a real sense of accomplishment for the day. Day 2 brings another luncheon meeting ... wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. you're right on track. you'll crave salt for about 3 weeks, then it will go away.


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